Who am I ?

Meet tourist guide Mehmet.

Born in Istanbul in 1986, I studied English in Kalamış College, then learned French in Lycée St. Michel d’Istanbul. I graduated from Law School of Yeditepe University in 2010 and specialized with master’s degree in 2011 on Environment Law by University of Strasbourg, with a master’s thesis on “Environmental Crimes in Turkish Law and their comparison with France”.

After six months of military service and one year of  internship, I started my carreer as attorney at law in 2013. In the meantime, I started studying tourism guidance in Kocaeli University  from which I graduated in 2016.
Following my graduation and a 45 days long training program during which me and other candidates drove across the whole country, I was licenced as a nationwide tourist guide in French and English languages.
Since then, bound with responsible tourism principles, I have been guiding individual travellers, families, professionals and tourist groups who are interested in the culture, history and nature of my country.
I was elected in 2019 and served three years as disciplinary board member of Turkish Turist Guides’ Union.